Ko Putauaki te Maunga
Ko Rangitauaki te Awa
Ko Ngati Awa, ratau ko Ngati Kahungunu, ko Te Arawa, ko Tuhoe, Ngati Porou oku iwi.
Ko Jenny Katene-Morgantoku ingoa.
I am a Maori Woman Artist by trade and in heart. I have a MBVA Maori Bachelor of Visual Arts, a Diploma of Visual Arts, a Diploma of Te Reo Maori, 4 Level Health and Well-being.
My role is Maori Art and Craft tutor and help people understand both contemporary and traditional Maori Art . As well as visual art I teach Te Reo for beginners, how to introduce yourself through Pepeha, Waiata and karakia.
Nau Mai Haere Mai
Come create talk share and be a part of a community whanau.