My name is Matt Hall and I am an artist and oncall tutor at King Street Artworks. My focus is on drawing and painting, both traditional and digital disciplines and I am learning 2d animation at the moment. I came to the visual arts a bit late, in my mid-thirties, and became immersed in it and developed a passion for it as an artist at King Street Artworks. It very quickly became something I wanted to master, and eventually I was offered a position to tutor here. I am inspired by sci fi, fantasy, “hypersurrealist” and what has been termed “visionary art”. Much of my work has either been as portraiture or figurative, as I believe the human face and form can contain much emotion and meaning, and tell amazing stories. I love my job here at King Street Artworks and feel that art and creativity can contribute profoundly to our health and wellbeing – it certainly has mine.